Tally Groves email


Cell Phone - 802 373-4040


Artist's Statment

I really like barns. Most of my life I've wanted to live in a barn. I started making painting of houses and barns when I moved to Vermont. I lived in a white farmhouse with a red barn. Most of the houses in Vemont are white, most of the people are white and the ground is white a good part of the year. I needed some color!! When I painted an orange house with red trim, it took off from the earth and all of them have stayed in the sky ever since!

I paint with oil sticks which are like giant crayons, but are made of oil paint. Like oil paint used with a brush, it dries hard and this allows me to paint many layers. I work to create rich color and textures and compelling color combinations.


Lesley College, Cambridge, Mass. MA: Expressive Therapy
Case-Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: BA, Art Therapy
Corcoran School of Art, Washington, DC.
DeCordova School  of Art, Lincoln, Mass.
Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont

Paintings Exhibited
St Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont
Ruth Morpeth Gallery, Pennington, New Jersey
T.W.Wood Gallery, Montpelier, Vermont
Lincoln-Bond Gallery, Woodstock, Vermont
Art’s Alive, Burlington, Vermont
Women’s Craft Show, San Francisco, California
Saw Mill Gallery, Kelseyville, California     
Bazou, Burlington, Vermont
Vermont Open Studio Tour
Art At The Round Barn, Waitsfield, Vermont
Bryan Gallery, Jeffersonville, Vermont
Emile Gruppe Gallery, Jericho, Vermont
Basin Harbor Club, Vergennes, Vermont
Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Vermont
Studio Place Arts, Barre Vermont
Hands on the Arts Festival, Eastham, MA

Champlain Valley Fair, Best of Show, 1996
Jurors Choice, Lincoln-Bond Gallery, 2009

Professional Associations
Arts Alive, Burlington, Vermont, President, 1992-1994,1996
No Limits for Women in the Arts, 1991-1994, Group leader
Eastham Painter Guild

Boston Center for Adult Education
Johnson State College
Cape Cod Potter’s Association
Artspace, Gloucester, Mass.
Church Street Center, Burlington, Vermont

Tally@moomail.net Cell phone contact - 802 373-4040